Hilltop Dr. Tower Drop In, Bunny Hoping Over a Transient MTB Redding CA

This video is me dropping in from Hilltop Dr. I like to stay off road as much as possible. Who else takes this option?
At the bottom, getting back to the pavement, there is a asphalt curb that I like to ride and see how far I can go. This is sort of a gauge of where I am at mentally and balance on the MTB.
Today was eventful to say the least. Every ride I always try to bring the GOPro because you don’t know whats going to happen This day I had it turned off. UGH!#@
Anyways, I’m doing my normal thing, cross the street and hop to the curb, at this point I am going pretty fast. Ride behind some landscape, bushes, leaves and there it was. I saw 2 legs in a pair of blue jeans laying down. A transient obviously sleeping. I had to bunny hop over him and he never moved.
I couldn’t believe what I just saw.
Hope you enjoyed another video.