
im chris tuttle

Where to start, I don’t know.
This is a blog about Chris Tuttle. Who I am as a person, what I love to do, my favorite things I enjoy. I’ll share my hobbies, my friends, my family, my good times and my bad times.
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always been fascinated with bicycles so bike riding has been a big part of my life. Specifically mountain biking. I really enjoy the challenge of a ride and pushing my body’s limits. I’ll fit in a few pics and videos of some rides on this website.
I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for a loving family. My wife Merriell, my daughter Danielle, my son Jeremy and the youngest, my daughter Hailey. We’ve had our ups and downs just like any other family, no doubt. Life has never been more challenging than it is right now.
I’m kind of spiritual, I believe in God and his Son Jesus Christ. Prayer gives me comfort. I should pray more but I know my Heavenly Father loves.
If it wasn’t for the internet I wouldn’t be putting this blog together today. I remember our first computer in 98′, and how we literally had the world to our finger tips. So much opportunity as far as being your own boss or work from home type of business too. The internet is way different than back in 98′ and doing things on computers and searching the internet is so much more user friendly.
For people who know me, internet marketing has also been a big part of my life. Bought my first Internet Marketing course from a guru, Corey Rudel in 1999 but didn’t do anything with it. Barely opened it. It wasn’t until 2007 when I really started to dig into internet marketing.
Someone close to me had just joined an MLM company and I said I was in. Went immediately to search the internet for” how to market MLM online” and since then I’ve learned a few things that enabled me to start an internet marketing business, Override Marketing back in 2015. I’m officially my own boss but I still slave away at a JOB.
Override Marketing has help a few clients and started a few projects/sites, Override Marketing, Redding Real Estate Pros, and this site IM Chris Tuttle.(IM=internet marketer)
Right now, my baby is Redding Real Estate Pros which is killing the internet as far as traffic . Alexa has ranked RREP 130,000 in the USA for the amount of traffic the site gets, so I know for fact that RREP can help Redding real estate agents get more leads, clients and sales in their businesses. I’m also a BIG fan of real estate investing and know that I’m going to need the knowledge of a professional real estate agent to find me some deals. If I help you out in your business, maybe you can help me out in my business.

***ATTENTION***If you are a Redding real estate agents and you want some FREE advertising, be a guest blogger on Redding Real Estate Pros, share who you are, featured listings, videos, related content and most importantly why you are the best Redding real estate agent for the job. In order to be an official Redding Real Estate Pro, apply for an exclusive membership. You get your own site to share who you are, your featured listings, pics, videos, related content and why you are the best agent for the job.

Still unsuccessful as far as being my own boss but I will not waver until I am successful financially by my own means.
Thanks for your support and enjoy my posts
im chris tuttle