Recent Activity, thank goodness

At one point in my life all I could think of was riding my mountain bike but that hasn’t been the case in a long while. The last ride was November of 2020. I got tired of changing out flats, constant pinch flats. What a drag when you are maching down a mountain trail and then only to stop for a pinch flat. It sucks, for sure.

Anyways, the weather has been really enticing, perfect for riding and I couldn’t resist myself. Ended up riding a local trail loop “Cloverdale” just off Clear Creek Road, to ease my way back. A little over 6 miles and I did it 2 days in a row. 2nd day was so much easier than the 1st.

Click the link above to see my ride on Strava. Now, I just have to keep this routine up and change it up here and there. I am just not the same person when I don’t ride. It’s a part of me and my physiology. I feel optimal and alive.

Until the next time I ride.

Crazy Chris