Recent Activity, thank goodness

At one point in my life all I could think of was riding my mountain bike but that hasn’t been the case in a long while. The last ride was November of 2020. I got tired of changing out flats, constant pinch flats. What a drag when you are maching down a mountain trail and then only to stop for a pinch flat. It sucks, for sure.

Anyways, the weather has been really enticing, perfect for riding and I couldn’t resist myself. Ended up riding a local trail loop “Cloverdale” just off Clear Creek Road, to ease my way back. A little over 6 miles and I did it 2 days in a row. 2nd day was so much easier than the 1st.

Click the link above to see my ride on Strava. Now, I just have to keep this routine up and change it up here and there. I am just not the same person when I don’t ride. It’s a part of me and my physiology. I feel optimal and alive.

Until the next time I ride.

Crazy Chris

Possibility of owning vs renting


I love owning our home vs renting, for sure. My wife and I, when we were renting, talked about the possibly of getting a bigger place and I’m all for it. But, rent costs are going up in the area and I’m not renting at $1400 mo. No way! I’ll buy a home and be over joyed to pay a mortgage of $1400 though.

When we seriously thought of buying, the inventory had been very low because of all the natural disasters that had unfortunately happened. People lost their homes and had to find a new home, so the pickings were slim.

You know, everyone wants a 3 bedroom 2 bath but the pickings were slim. My wife had a good eye on what was available and in our price range, more importantly. We both want to be close to our jobs too, I hate driving. Merriell found this 2 bedroom 1 bath in our price range so we asked our realtor to show us the house. Nice home, good bones, big lot and lots of potential. The neighborhood was pretty damn good, nice wide streets too.

We have been through this process before so timing is of the essence at making a decision/offer. Knowing that the inventory was low and somebody else could possibly out bid us first, life comes down to a few moments and this was one of them. We ultimately made an offer and it was accepted.

Renting before, we had an upstairs, single garage, 1 and a half bath, about 35′ by 40′ lot, very small and it sucked at times. Already being use to a 2 bedroom, this home is perfect for our small family. When we finally moved in and everything was put away, what we got was a ton of SPACE.

Same size living space, basically a 2 and half car garage, huge front and backyard. It’s so much better than it was. Now we have family dinners and get togethers at our place. Optional fire pit action, outdoor seating, TV, arcade games, ping pong and night time lighting. Family fun. There is still a lot of work to do to this house and we have some upgrades we would like.

warming my feet on the firepit

We’re in it to win it. Merriell and I have comeback from being down and out since 2014 and that was our choice, but we survived and we will survive the foreseeable future as well.

Thanks for reading my wonderful life experiences.

Chris Tuttle

MTB solo pic Chris Tuttle

What are your thoughts about the 2020 Presidential election?

Election night was like watching the Super Bowl. I set up our TV out on the patio next to the fire-pit, it was nice. I was on my feet practically the whole night and feeding the fire pit with logs. The night was closer than I thought it would get and at 1:30AM I was tired of watching the so called news. The last update from the media was that “they wouldn’t know anything until maybe 9:00AM” (est). So, like a lot of us, Trump was winning this and I needed to go to bed.

Yes, I am a Trump supporter. Were you like me and did you go to sleep thinking that Trump was on his way to re-election? What happened in that short amount of time I slept? Shenanigans? You know what they say”nothing good happens after midnight, we’ll see.

Well, I slept pretty good and now it’s time for an update on the election. WTF! When I went to sleep, Trump was in a BIG lead in some key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina. Michigan had like a 318K lead, Wisconsin had 115K lead and Pennsylvania had like 700K lead, all in favor of Trump. What happened in that short amount of time? Now we are hearing stories of ballot dumps, pollsters telling voters to use sharpies, not having 2 people to verify each ballot, computer generated ballots that have DEM option filled in perfectly and that guy with the Radio Flyer wagon all by himself. There is obviously something fishy going on in a lot of states and counties and it doesn’t give me or any other American much confidence in the election system.

The 2016 election was decided early the next morning, but 2020 election is totally different and we know why, Covid-19. Yes Covid-19 is a BIG issue, I agree but it doesn’t mean we change the laws that govern a FREE and FAIR election for the American people. Our election is more important than Covid-19, meaning that Covid-19 will go away but the 2020 election will decide which direction this country will go in the next 4 years and beyond.

So far, this entire 2020 election has been a FRAUD by the Dems, UNFAIR to the American people, and CENSORED by big tech.

Right now, I am waiting for the ballots to be recounted, physically. Meaning that we have to, regardless of Covid-19, be closer than 6 feet, shoulder to shoulder, to verify each ballot. I want to be able to smell the persons breath next to me, that would be verification.

Look, this election isn’t over yet and we’ll see who is victorious. Until all of the lawsuits are litigated and the ballots are all counted correctly, Trump is still the President of the United States of America.

I will be writing more on this current event but would love to hear your thoughts on this 2020 election in the comments below.

Thanks for the read,

Bottle Cap Redding Ca

Crazy Chris Tuttle

We are buying a house soon

That is the news. Eventually, we are purchasing a house but at this time we are in the process of negotiation after spending time there while the inspectors were there.

I started to smell a pee odor as I was taking measurements. And it’s funny though, as I was hanging out doing my thing, the selling agent and I had a few moments to speak. He accidentally slipped up and said, “I don’t think they used Kilz before laying the flooring” .

So, at this time are negotiating the inspection repairs as well as come down on the price for the crappy floor job that I am going to have to do because they sure aren’t.

I have a question for everybody that reads this post, would you buy a 2 bed 1 bath 930 sqft home with a pee odor, for $186,000 in this market??? The home has brand new flooring throughout and has been painted. Move-in ready. Besides the pee odor. Would you buy? The location is off of Girvan in Redding CA.

Also, they don’t want to take care of the GCFIs(2 at a cost close to $600). Huh?? Why? I guess the agent doesn’t something else(issue)come up. Makes you wonder.

Thanks for reading.

Chris Tuttle