What are your thoughts about the 2020 Presidential election?

Election night was like watching the Super Bowl. I set up our TV out on the patio next to the fire-pit, it was nice. I was on my feet practically the whole night and feeding the fire pit with logs. The night was closer than I thought it would get and at 1:30AM I was tired of watching the so called news. The last update from the media was that “they wouldn’t know anything until maybe 9:00AM” (est). So, like a lot of us, Trump was winning this and I needed to go to bed.

Yes, I am a Trump supporter. Were you like me and did you go to sleep thinking that Trump was on his way to re-election? What happened in that short amount of time I slept? Shenanigans? You know what they say”nothing good happens after midnight, we’ll see.

Well, I slept pretty good and now it’s time for an update on the election. WTF! When I went to sleep, Trump was in a BIG lead in some key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina. Michigan had like a 318K lead, Wisconsin had 115K lead and Pennsylvania had like 700K lead, all in favor of Trump. What happened in that short amount of time? Now we are hearing stories of ballot dumps, pollsters telling voters to use sharpies, not having 2 people to verify each ballot, computer generated ballots that have DEM option filled in perfectly and that guy with the Radio Flyer wagon all by himself. There is obviously something fishy going on in a lot of states and counties and it doesn’t give me or any other American much confidence in the election system.

The 2016 election was decided early the next morning, but 2020 election is totally different and we know why, Covid-19. Yes Covid-19 is a BIG issue, I agree but it doesn’t mean we change the laws that govern a FREE and FAIR election for the American people. Our election is more important than Covid-19, meaning that Covid-19 will go away but the 2020 election will decide which direction this country will go in the next 4 years and beyond.

So far, this entire 2020 election has been a FRAUD by the Dems, UNFAIR to the American people, and CENSORED by big tech.

Right now, I am waiting for the ballots to be recounted, physically. Meaning that we have to, regardless of Covid-19, be closer than 6 feet, shoulder to shoulder, to verify each ballot. I want to be able to smell the persons breath next to me, that would be verification.

Look, this election isn’t over yet and we’ll see who is victorious. Until all of the lawsuits are litigated and the ballots are all counted correctly, Trump is still the President of the United States of America.

I will be writing more on this current event but would love to hear your thoughts on this 2020 election in the comments below.

Thanks for the read,

Bottle Cap Redding Ca

Crazy Chris Tuttle

I’m going into a Video business

Have you ever thought of video as a business opportunity? I’ve been have been thinking of starting up one myself for the longest time, but I have been all talk up till now. The time has come. I’m offering my services to businesses where ever. Local, please. LOL.

If you know me, most of the time I have a video camera on me, whether it’s my GoPro, my handycam or one of my spycams. I love to capture moments because they can last forever if saved. Pictures are totally different than a video. Video contains emotion, way more then a picture would.

Now, I have to do a marketing campaign for video marketing. So what should I do 1st? I was thinking about doing a flyer, a bright pink one. What should I put as far as ad copy? Huh? Or should I go on a BIG social network like…? I can think of a few.

All I know is, I’m starting a business offering video services, whether it be a wedding, birthday party or brick and mortar businesses, I’m here for YOU.

I think I will start with a flyer and offer something for FREE(2 videos) with the initial contact.

Business is about relationships so, let’s create one. Do you have a business? Have you ever thought of doing video marketing? If you are NOT doing video in your business now,…..you should reconsider.

Do you have children? I’m sure you have heard of YouTube, right?

Stay tuned for more, I’ll keep you all up to date.


Chris Tuttle

Discover How I fixed My Ellipsis 8 Broken LCD Screen

You know, I tried to use my tablet for everyday uses and it back fired on me. Me being a dumb ass, I left the tablet in the grocery cart and the cart dude and his machine smashed the screen to the point where the tablet wasn’t very useful anymore. My fault. I figured I could repair it myself so I looked on YouTube and did a search for my specific brand (QTAQZ3).

Here is the video I followed

I couldn’t believe how easy it was and I did it with no special tools. When you purchase your replacement screen it comes with tools so you can install the screen.

Here is the link to the screen I bought


Thanks for watching

MTB Riding With Friends, Enticer Trail, What More can You ask For?

What an EPIC DAY of MTB riding!!!! Without a doubt!
So for the last 2 and half months I have been riding up and down this trail”Enticer”aka”Wintu Flow Trail” located in Redding CA. This trail is great for progression and that is what I did. If you are a MTB enthusiast like me and like to progress in this sport you’ll love this trail.
I will admit the 1st time I attempted to do this trail, I was a preschooler but now I am a college graduate. Haven’t done all of the features, there is still 2 others I am going to do as soon as my ribs heal up. Unfortunately I crashed off a drop at another location. Ride or die. I will upload that video soon.
Anyways, I have done several runs down this trail to learn how to jump all these jumps. The trail is 1 mile long and I am totally exhausted when I get to the bottom. I see other riders from time to time. This day I ran in to an old friend and got a chance to ride down this trail with him. Jeff Owens @jammminjo is a mechanic at the local bike shop “The Chain Gang” and has been a mechanic at a bike shop since I’ve known him. Ex BMX er, the guy can ride. I remember riding down the dual salom with Jeff years ago. Good times. Here is a video of us enjoying the trail.

Since I’ve been riding the trail for the last 2 months, I thought it was fair that I do a little work to the trail to repay the guys(trail builders) for their hard work. I brought my square shovel and a rake to fill in the berms. The “Enticer” has received a lot of attention since inception so it needs to be maintained. Also, I believe in Karma so it’s in my mind that if I give the trail some love, IT will give me some love back.
So, while I was doing some work on the upper berms, some riders walked up on me from behind, a bmx, Bodhi @bodacious130 and a dirt jumper, Ryan @smurfmurf116. Good kids. They helped me finish the berm up so that we could do an assault down the mountain and that we did. We all did a few runs together and here is some of the footage. Watch the video to the end and see us SEND IT on the big gap at the bottom. This trail is so fun and I am so grateful to the trail builders @reddingtrailalliance. Enjoy the video. I also got a video of the DJ crashing pretty good. Enjoy that too.

The day didn’t end there though. In the video with the BMX and DJ, just before we hit the BIG gap we past another rider. Well I had a chance to ride with him as well. Cool guy, Chase @8eightysixx, check out the video below. I can do this all day long.

Wintu Flow Trail Day #2 “I See You”

Like I’ve said earlier…it’s been awhile since I’ve jammed my DH MTB. It’s a different flow than a hardtail for sure. Hardtail is out of commission for awhile due to a wheel build. I guess I have to use the alternate, DH MTB.
Until it the rainy season I think I’ll be hitting ths “Wintu Flow Trail” MTB Redding CA Swasey Rec Area

Swasey Rec Area “Wintu Flow Trail” MTB Redding CA

Swasey Rec Area is such a great area to ride MTB in Redding CA for sure. An assortment of trails of all different riding levels but one trail stand out above all of them, “Wintu Flow Trail”.
Thanks to Redding Trail Alliance for building a 1 mile long slope style trail.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on my Big Hit. Usually I am on the hardtail. Trying to get used to the suspension action has a little learning curve. We’ll revisit this trail with vast improvements, just wait. I am a firm believer of progressing in the sport whatever it is.

Salt Creek trail is challenging to all levels of MTBrs Redding CA

This is TEMP description/body
Really quick..I want to say that this MTB trail, Salt Creek Redding CA is fantastic in many ways and I’l explain later. In the meantime please check out the NEW video I posted to my website. I think you will like it if you are an MTB enthusiast or you are my friend. :).
I will post some time stamps to go to throughout the video as you watch it. I fast forward through the long single track but real time the challenging parts. There is 9 challenging areas on Salt Creek MTB trail Redding CA.

“10 Bridges” plus high speeds equals FUN MTB Redding CA

10 Bridges MTB Redding CA, is a lot of fun. It’s challenging both ways, up and down, but there might be a few pedestrians along the way.
The trail is made of broken down granite or something. Off camber turns and a lot of them plus “10 Bridges” to cross, thus “10 bridges” is the name.

This trail is part of my normal loop I do from my house. If you are around and are up for a MTB ride in Redding CA, get a hold of me. You have my permission to call/text me @ 530-277-0723. I love to ride with other MTB riders especially if you might be from out of town and not of this area.

Please visit my Youtube channel for other videos of other MTB trails in Redding CA