What an EPIC DAY of MTB riding!!!! Without a doubt!
So for the last 2 and half months I have been riding up and down this trail”Enticer”aka”Wintu Flow Trail” located in Redding CA. This trail is great for progression and that is what I did. If you are a MTB enthusiast like me and like to progress in this sport you’ll love this trail.
I will admit the 1st time I attempted to do this trail, I was a preschooler but now I am a college graduate. Haven’t done all of the features, there is still 2 others I am going to do as soon as my ribs heal up. Unfortunately I crashed off a drop at another location. Ride or die. I will upload that video soon.
Anyways, I have done several runs down this trail to learn how to jump all these jumps. The trail is 1 mile long and I am totally exhausted when I get to the bottom. I see other riders from time to time. This day I ran in to an old friend and got a chance to ride down this trail with him. Jeff Owens @jammminjo is a mechanic at the local bike shop “The Chain Gang” and has been a mechanic at a bike shop since I’ve known him. Ex BMX er, the guy can ride. I remember riding down the dual salom with Jeff years ago. Good times. Here is a video of us enjoying the trail.
Since I’ve been riding the trail for the last 2 months, I thought it was fair that I do a little work to the trail to repay the guys(trail builders) for their hard work. I brought my square shovel and a rake to fill in the berms. The “Enticer” has received a lot of attention since inception so it needs to be maintained. Also, I believe in Karma so it’s in my mind that if I give the trail some love, IT will give me some love back.
So, while I was doing some work on the upper berms, some riders walked up on me from behind, a bmx, Bodhi @bodacious130 and a dirt jumper, Ryan @smurfmurf116. Good kids. They helped me finish the berm up so that we could do an assault down the mountain and that we did. We all did a few runs together and here is some of the footage. Watch the video to the end and see us SEND IT on the big gap at the bottom. This trail is so fun and I am so grateful to the trail builders @reddingtrailalliance. Enjoy the video. I also got a video of the DJ crashing pretty good. Enjoy that too.
The day didn’t end there though. In the video with the BMX and DJ, just before we hit the BIG gap we past another rider. Well I had a chance to ride with him as well. Cool guy, Chase @8eightysixx, check out the video below. I can do this all day long.
Tag: MTB
Wintu Flow Trail Day #3 Still Building Confidence But….
Wintu Flow Trail Day #2 “I See You”
Like I’ve said earlier…it’s been awhile since I’ve jammed my DH MTB. It’s a different flow than a hardtail for sure. Hardtail is out of commission for awhile due to a wheel build. I guess I have to use the alternate, DH MTB.
Until it the rainy season I think I’ll be hitting ths “Wintu Flow Trail” MTB Redding CA Swasey Rec Area
Swasey Rec Area “Wintu Flow Trail” MTB Redding CA
Swasey Rec Area is such a great area to ride MTB in Redding CA for sure. An assortment of trails of all different riding levels but one trail stand out above all of them, “Wintu Flow Trail”.
Thanks to Redding Trail Alliance for building a 1 mile long slope style trail.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been on my Big Hit. Usually I am on the hardtail. Trying to get used to the suspension action has a little learning curve. We’ll revisit this trail with vast improvements, just wait. I am a firm believer of progressing in the sport whatever it is.
Salt Creek trail is challenging to all levels of MTBrs Redding CA
This is TEMP description/body
Really quick..I want to say that this MTB trail, Salt Creek Redding CA is fantastic in many ways and I’l explain later. In the meantime please check out the NEW video I posted to my website. I think you will like it if you are an MTB enthusiast or you are my friend.
I will post some time stamps to go to throughout the video as you watch it. I fast forward through the long single track but real time the challenging parts. There is 9 challenging areas on Salt Creek MTB trail Redding CA.
“10 Bridges” plus high speeds equals FUN MTB Redding CA
10 Bridges MTB Redding CA, is a lot of fun. It’s challenging both ways, up and down, but there might be a few pedestrians along the way.
The trail is made of broken down granite or something. Off camber turns and a lot of them plus “10 Bridges” to cross, thus “10 bridges” is the name.
This trail is part of my normal loop I do from my house. If you are around and are up for a MTB ride in Redding CA, get a hold of me. You have my permission to call/text me @ 530-277-0723. I love to ride with other MTB riders especially if you might be from out of town and not of this area.
Please visit my Youtube channel for other videos of other MTB trails in Redding CA
Hilltop Dr. Tower Drop In, Bunny Hoping Over a Transient MTB Redding CA
This video is me dropping in from Hilltop Dr. I like to stay off road as much as possible. Who else takes this option?
At the bottom, getting back to the pavement, there is a asphalt curb that I like to ride and see how far I can go. This is sort of a gauge of where I am at mentally and balance on the MTB.
Today was eventful to say the least. Every ride I always try to bring the GOPro because you don’t know whats going to happen This day I had it turned off. UGH!#@
Anyways, I’m doing my normal thing, cross the street and hop to the curb, at this point I am going pretty fast. Ride behind some landscape, bushes, leaves and there it was. I saw 2 legs in a pair of blue jeans laying down. A transient obviously sleeping. I had to bunny hop over him and he never moved.
I couldn’t believe what I just saw.
Hope you enjoyed another video.
“Bottle Cap” 2 Log Rides and some STEEP drops MTB Redding CA
This video is special, at least to me it is. I love doing video of just about anything. I love to ride my mountain bike so I do a lot of video with the Go PRO. So I am starting to love this Redding CA trail “Bottle Cap” for MTB and the like.
“Bottle Cap” is full of fun stuff for MTB, some of the best in Redding CA.2 log rides, fast single track, switchbacks, a couple doubles, bridges and some steep drops where you have to leave the ground and your heart pumping when you roll out in victory.
I recently got back into MTB. In the past, prior to 2007, I use to go riding so much. I love this shit. Great exercise, the scenery and it’s right in my backyard. Lately , I have been doing “BottleCap” which I found on Trailforks. Looking for a more challenging trail, since I have done pretty much all that I know of. Since my lay off from MTB riding some non-profit has been pretty busy making some AWESOME MTB trails. Trailforks site has all of the local trails in Redding CA, from beginner to expert(blue to black diamond trails). I wanted to do a black diamond, a new one to me and that brought me to “Bottle Cap”.
There is still things that need to be done like some doubles and drop that is making my heart pounding when I look at it.
Stay tune to my Youtube channel.
In the process of building that YouTube channel so please subscribe to my channel so you will know when I post a NEW video.
CAUTION!@#$* Jack Rabbit MTB Redding, CA
MTB Redding CA. This segment is across from the ridge Skywalker, according to Strava. Do you follow me on Strava? If not .. start.
You can sure open it up along this ridge which I highly suggest you do. Be careful though because you don’t know what’s going to pop out at you. CAUTION !!! JACK RABBIT!!!
MTB Cloverdale and Piety Hill Loop, Views of Clear Creek
I went out for a ride about a week ago, looking for a certain fellow, Sasquatch Bob. Well I found him and I found some awesome trail(Cloverdale Loop)that loops. It’s a short loop so you can do it over and over again. Which I did 3 times in a row because it was THAT GOOD folks.
Anyways, I brought my son Jeremy Tuttle the other day and we started from the same start I did before which is Horsetown TH but this time around I went a different route. I went the opposite way I went the last time which lead us to the ULTIMATE DH. Cloverdale DH according to Strava.
I love Strava. I have the FREE version. With Strava you can see where you rank amongst the other riders on Strava. It’s interesting to know that after riding down the Cloverdale DH, we both ended up ranking 10TH out of 57 other riders abroad. I know we can go faster next time and that is the plan.
You need to make this your next ride. For sure.
Click here to check out my other rides.