Hilltop Dr. Tower Drop In, Bunny Hoping Over a Transient MTB Redding CA

This video is me dropping in from Hilltop Dr. I like to stay off road as much as possible. Who else takes this option?
At the bottom, getting back to the pavement, there is a asphalt curb that I like to ride and see how far I can go. This is sort of a gauge of where I am at mentally and balance on the MTB.
Today was eventful to say the least. Every ride I always try to bring the GOPro because you don’t know whats going to happen This day I had it turned off. UGH!#@
Anyways, I’m doing my normal thing, cross the street and hop to the curb, at this point I am going pretty fast. Ride behind some landscape, bushes, leaves and there it was. I saw 2 legs in a pair of blue jeans laying down. A transient obviously sleeping. I had to bunny hop over him and he never moved.
I couldn’t believe what I just saw.
Hope you enjoyed another video.

Redding,CA MTB “Bottle Cap” trail is a must. Check it out yo.

So today I went for a MTB ride #019 “Bottle Cap” Redding Ca to be exact. That is the name of the file I save it in anyway. Yeah I went for a ride and I almost didn’t but the weather was irresistible. Cloudy at first but it cleared up and warmed up too. The total ride was only 24.5 miles and I feel pretty good but need sufficient rest for sure. Got to work at 9 PM and I’ll see how I feel when I get there. Might be a “5 Hour Energy ” night. We’ll see.

Whenever I go MTB riding I like to bring along my GoPro camera and get some shots. You never know what will happen next and it’s frickin awesome to see what you’ve done on a MTB ride. Things like bear, snakes, bobcat, animals I’ve never seen before and had to ask the ranger.

Anyways, here is a video of my ride today “Bottle Cap”. Hope you enjoy watching it. Please like it on FB and share it with your friends.

Trip To The Bay Area Enjoying The Cool Ocean Breeze

Went to the bay area a couple of weeks ago and visited my wife’s good friend in Walnut Creek. While we were down there we had some good times, went to “Taco Bell” beach if you are familiar with beaches in the bay area. I blew it though and didn’t get any footage of all the surfers getting it on. I really enjoyed the relaxation just chilling on the beach. I never get to do that.
So I put together a video, fast forward video to be exact. I think you’ll enjoy it. Watch my NEW VIDEO below.

That wasn’t the whole trip and I have more video so I will be making another. We took a tour through Berkeley and Telegraph area. Merriell had a Henna done on her forearm, you’ll see. Henna is a cool option for people who are not too sure about getting a real tattoo.

Also, Celia Argabright is a pretty darn good photographer. You can see her photography on her site by clicking this link.

Here is a few pics of me and my wonderful daughter, Hailey Tuttle being goofy with some awesome pizza from the Telegraph area.

Chris Tuttle Pizza
Chris Tuttle Pizza

Hailey Tuttle Pizza
Hailey Tuttle Pizza

Merriell here, had such a great visit with my best friend Celia.We need to do it more often. Going to Berkeley was very nostalgic for me as I showed my daughter around. At the end of high school my friends and I would run over here to get Blondie’s Pizza. I was very sad that it had changed names only 1 year ago, but luckily the tile out front still said Blondie’s! And getting a Henna tattoo was fun! It lasted about 9 days for me. It was a practice run. Had a great night out with food friends and family! Thank you hubby for driving us and having a short but fun mini vacation

4th Of July With My Family 2017

I love holidays. Holidays brings us all together, family and friends. It really pisses me OFF when I have to work at my stupid J.O.B. when a holiday rolls around. But thank goodness that I was able to enjoy this holiday because IT would of REALLY piss me off if I missed this moment.
Little Scarlette is so amazed at the 4th of July fireworks show.
Redding Convention Center is always a great place to enjoy the community fun. Lots of people, wise to ride a bicycle and beat the traffic.

MTB Cloverdale and Piety Hill Loop, Views of Clear Creek

I went out for a ride about a week ago, looking for a certain fellow, Sasquatch Bob. Well I found him and I found some awesome trail(Cloverdale Loop)that loops. It’s a short loop so you can do it over and over again. Which I did 3 times in a row because it was THAT GOOD folks.
Anyways, I brought my son Jeremy Tuttle the other day and we started from the same start I did before which is Horsetown TH but this time around I went a different route. I went the opposite way I went the last time which lead us to the ULTIMATE DH. Cloverdale DH according to Strava.

I love Strava. I have the FREE version. With Strava you can see where you rank amongst the other riders on Strava. It’s interesting to know that after riding down the Cloverdale DH, we both ended up ranking 10TH out of 57 other riders abroad. I know we can go faster next time and that is the plan.
You need to make this your next ride. For sure.
Click here to check out my other rides.

TWD of Redding CA

Hey boy …..you got a pretty face.

I’m sure you didn’t know that the hit show “The Walking Dead”was shooting an episode right here in Redding CA. I’m not kidding! I was riding my mountain bike the other day down by the railroad tracks in downtown Redding CA and here’s these 2 cast members doing nothing but staring at the ground and I immediately thought of the TWD. I started laughing and thought that this would be a great share for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks for visiting my site and please comment below, love to hear what you thought, and share the laughs with your friends.

You can see another video I recorded while I was flying down “The Chimney” by clicking this link.