Trip To The Bay Area Enjoying The Cool Ocean Breeze

Went to the bay area a couple of weeks ago and visited my wife’s good friend in Walnut Creek. While we were down there we had some good times, went to “Taco Bell” beach if you are familiar with beaches in the bay area. I blew it though and didn’t get any footage of all the surfers getting it on. I really enjoyed the relaxation just chilling on the beach. I never get to do that.
So I put together a video, fast forward video to be exact. I think you’ll enjoy it. Watch my NEW VIDEO below.

That wasn’t the whole trip and I have more video so I will be making another. We took a tour through Berkeley and Telegraph area. Merriell had a Henna done on her forearm, you’ll see. Henna is a cool option for people who are not too sure about getting a real tattoo.

Also, Celia Argabright is a pretty darn good photographer. You can see her photography on her site by clicking this link.

Here is a few pics of me and my wonderful daughter, Hailey Tuttle being goofy with some awesome pizza from the Telegraph area.

Chris Tuttle Pizza
Chris Tuttle Pizza

Hailey Tuttle Pizza
Hailey Tuttle Pizza

Merriell here, had such a great visit with my best friend Celia.We need to do it more often. Going to Berkeley was very nostalgic for me as I showed my daughter around. At the end of high school my friends and I would run over here to get Blondie’s Pizza. I was very sad that it had changed names only 1 year ago, but luckily the tile out front still said Blondie’s! And getting a Henna tattoo was fun! It lasted about 9 days for me. It was a practice run. Had a great night out with food friends and family! Thank you hubby for driving us and having a short but fun mini vacation

Sacramento Zoo/Fairytale Land Family Fun Day

Such a fun time with my family. We went to the the Sacramento Zoo on a cloudy day which was not too cold or too crowded. A lot of the animals were asleep or not around, kind of a bummer, but my granddaughter who is 2 &1/2 didn’t mind. My teenager Hailey was a trooper, she must have been bored but she never let on. The prices in the cafe for lunch were crazy high but that is par for the course, no surprise.

We were able to purchase tickets for the Zoo and Fairytale Land (which is right across the street) at the same time. I thought Fairytale Land was great compared to reviews I read online beforehand. It was very spacious and the plants and grass were well taken care of. A few attractions were a bit old, but overall nice. Of course the toddler thought it was the greatest place on earth because she could run around everywhere and climb and explore!

Scarlett was great the entire day, the only time she threw a fit was when we had to leave, and that was to be expected. It is an easy trip to pull off in one day if you live in Redding, but kind of expensive, but hey what isn’t these days!

Click on the red square with the white arrow below and enjoy the video. And after you are done watching my latest creation, share it with your friends by using the “SHARE” buttons below or if you want…. comment via FB.
Thanks for watching!

Don’t forget to walk through the rock garden before you leave, it is beautiful!